Year 2 Science Trip
Year 2 set off to Rye Meads Nature Reserve in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire for a day of exploring Minibeasts. Currently our topic in Science is 'Living Things and Habitats' so we were off to discover where animals live, looking closely and Land Minibeasts and Pond Minibeasts .
Their first activity involved working in small groups to uncover land minibeasts which may have been living under the logs . The children worked together to carefully move the logs and see if they could catch any living things in their pots. To take a closer look they even used a microscopic jar to zoom in on the minibeasts. Some children found some rather large slugs that wanted to crawl out and escape from the pots!
After a delightful lunch outside, the children had the opportunity to go 'Pond Dipping'. This was great fun and all children thoroughly enjoyed using the nets to try and catch some pond minibeasts. They then had to identify them using a key and then as a bonus in groups had to demonstrate an action that their minibeast would do while the rest had to guess the answer.
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