Academic Programme
The school is dedicated to ensuring the flexibility for each child to develop his/her own individual abilities and academic excellences whilst meeting new challenges. In short, we provide the highest standards of education, which promote the development of all-around talents, whether they be academic, creative, or sporting.
We offer all of our pupils exceptional opportunities. Our boys and girls are at the heart of all we do. The children are Aldenham.
Our Key Aims
- To encourage a love of learning in order to aspire to academic excellence and a broad education for all pupils
- To foster good relationships and partnership between staff, pupils, parents and the wider community
- To ensure that each individual pupil is nurtured and encouraged to make the most of their own special talents
- To emphasise the importance of the social, moral and spiritual dimensions of community life in a modern society
- To provide a well planned, well organised environment giving children rich and stimulating experiences
Your child’s entitlement to the National Curriculum is only part of what we aim to achieve at Aldenham. We believe very strongly in offering breadth within our curriculum, so that the all round talents of each individual child may be developed. This involves promoting the academic, creative and sporting facets of school life, as well as fostering children’s natural curiosity, in order to empower them with a life long love of learning.
The timetable consists of English, Maths and Science, as well as ICT, Art, DT, French, Geography, History and Personal, Social & Health Education. There is also specialist teaching in French, PE & Games (including swimming).
Parents are kept well informed of their children’s learning through lists of curriculum topics and curriculum evenings at the start of each year.
Aldenham School has a strong tradition of Sport. Games and Physical Education are a very important part of life at the Preparatory School. Each class has one PE lesson per week with a specialist teacher and a Games afternoon. There is also a weekly swimming lesson at the Grove Leisure Centre in nearby Bushey.
Major sports are Football, Netball, Hockey, Cricket and Athletics. The children also have the opportunity to be coached in Rugby, Tennis, Badminton and Rounders. We regularly arrange Sports fixtures with other schools.