Ut nec consequat diam. Aenean augue ligula, aliquet sit amet convallis vel, auctor sit amet dui. Etiam non mollis ante, eget interdum ante. Mauris quis varius orci. Sed sodales purus dapibus dolor ultrices dictum.
Founded in the 16th Century, the school has been educating children for over 400 years! However, this is a particularly stimulating time within that long history, as we are able to offer seamless continuity of education from the Nursery to the Senior School. The Preparatory School encompasses the Nursery, from the term of the third birthday, the Pre-Prep Department (4-7 years old) and the Prep Department (7-11 years old). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pharetra urna non diam ullamcorper, eu ultricies mi condimentum. Proin finibus, diam sed ultrices sodales, nisi purus suscipit enim, id imperdiet sapien tellus nec leo. Quisque id magna euismod, pellentesque risus vestibulum, vulputate felis. Curabitur vestibulum ullamcorper sem eget vestibulum.